ROMAG's patented circuit technology creates an
exceptionally powerful magnet for its size, as explained below.
Background Information: Regular Magnets

Single Regular Magnet
An individual magnet has two poles
(a "North" and a "South"),
and there's a magnetic force (" flux") radiating all around it.
This is shown in the cross section of a donut-shaped magnet to the
left. This magnetic flow occurs around the entire magnet.

Two Regular Magnets
The North pole of
one magnet is attracted to the South pole of another.
Only the
magnetic force directly between the two magnets actually pulls the two
magnets together - the majority of the pull goes into the air and doesn't
contribute to the strength of the magnetic system. |
The ROMAG Innovation
Things you
need to know
- Magnetic flux is what pulls two magnets together (or holds steel).
- It flows from the North pole of a magnet to the South
- Steel is a better conductor of magnetic flux (force) than air
- Flux follows the path of least resistance (i.e. - it will flow
through steel instead of through the air if that's an option)
"Open" Circuited Magnet
In the patented ROMAG magnets, almost all of the magnetic force
is used to hold the two parts of the magnet system together - very little is wasted.
First, a conductive steel plate is attached to a donut-shaped magnet.
This along with a second steel plate is a "magnet system."
When separated
("open"), the magnetic flux flows into the air around the magnet and does
no work.

Circuited Magnet
When closed, however, almost all of the
magnetic force flows within the magnet system because the two steel plates create a "short
The magnetic flux is now put to use holding the two
sides together instead of being wasted into the air.
This results
in a magnet that's very powerful for its size. |
ROMAG Engineering
Balance is important.
If there isn't enough steel for
the strength of the magnet, some of the flux will escape into the air and will
be wasted (i.e., it won't help hold the two pieces together).
engineers use advanced mathematical modeling to ensure that the quantity of
the steel and its configuration are optimized to prevent wasted flux, which
would decrease the holding power of the magnet.